Cheap GTD Audio G-733H 2x800 Channel Diversity UHF Wireless microphone mic system
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Gtd-Audio's G-733H wireless microphone system delivers superior sound quality and professional features. It is designed for a wide range professional application with 800 selectable frequencies, automatic frequency scanning, true diversity operation, Tone Lock squelch circuit, automatic transmitter setup. It's the perfect for professional use at any events.
GTD Audio G-733H 2x800 Channel Diversity UHF Wireless microphone mic system
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GTD Audio G-733H 2x800 Channel Diversity Features :
- True diversity operation for increased range/reliability, reducing dropouts
- Built-In Tone Lock Squelch circuit protection from RF interference
- Automatic frequency scanning to find and set the best available channel
- Automatic transmitter setup, the channel of the transmitter and receiver can easily synchronize
- 800 selectable frequencies. UHF 610MHz - 680MHz ( Comply with FCC new frequency rules )
GTD Audio G-733H Reviews,

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