Cheap GU 24Pk Flavor: Mixed
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GU® Energy Gel give you the optimal balance of maltodextrin and fructose delivers a quick blood sugar rise, and then maintains that glucose level for up to 45 minutes. GU® keeps your mind alert and active, and your muscles going strong during your regular workouts.
GU 24Pk Flavor: Mixed
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GU 24Pk Flavor: Mixed Features :
- GU Energy Gel is specifically formulated to energize your body during exercise
- GU gives the most concentrated form of immediate energy with no stomach bulk or distress, is quickly and efficiently absorbed, and will maintain your blood sugar at the optimal level for a great workout start to finish
- During a workout or race, no matter what type, you need to quickly absorb carbohydrate-based calories to replace the glucose you are burning at 400 - 600 per hour
- GU Energy Gel contains maltodextrin, the best complex carbohydrate for delivering energy to working muscles
- 24 Single Serving Packets: 100 Calories per serving. Loaded with 25grams of complex carbohydrates
GU 24Pk Flavor: Reviews,

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